Premium OMG CERTIFIED EXPERT IN BPM™ 2 (OCEB™ 2) Practice Exams

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Welcome to this OMG CERTIFIED EXPERT IN BPM™ 2 (OCEB™ 2) Practice Exam. You have 90 minutes (for residents of English-speaking countries) or 120 minutes (all others) to complete the exam of 90 questions. You need 62 out of 90 questions correct to pass, which means a pass mark of 69%.

  • You can retake the tests as many times as you would like
  • The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test.
  • You can mark and skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.: use the ‘review question’ button to mark a question.
  • Click on the number of the questions in the overview table to navigate through the questions.

Good luck!