BPMN Certification
BPMN Certification?
Since there is an increasing demand for professionals who are skilled in the Business Proces Model and Notation Language 2.0, or BPMN, I recently got a lot of questions about BPMN certification. The various questions I got can be roughly summarized to the following question:
Is there a specific BPMN certification?
The short answer: no, there is no specific certification for just BPMN. However, it is possible to show potential clients that you have mastered this subject by means of a recognized, independent certificate. Before I tell which one this is, it is important to understand who the author of BPMN is.
The Object Management Group
BPMN is a standard that is created and maintained by The Open Management Group: OMG. Since BPMN is a standard, it’is vendor-neutral and the precise meaning of the graphical elements and relationships are defined in a specification.
OCEB 2 BPMN Certification
OMG does offer ways to show what you know. There is a certification called ‘OMG Certified Expert in Business Process Modeling 2’, or ‘OCEB2’. The Fundemental Exam of OCEB2 proves that you are a BPMN practitioner, or more general, a Business Process Modeling professional. The exam does not only cover the BPMN language, but also topics like Business Motivational Modeling, Process Quality and Governance frameworks.
OCEB2 Exam Topics
The full list of exam topics is shown below, including the percentage of questions on the exam that deal with this topic.
- Business Goals, Objectives (8%)
- Business Process Concepts and Fundamentals (11%)
- Business Process Management Concepts and Fundamentals (10%)
- Business Motivation Modeling (16%)
- Business Process Modeling Concepts (24%)
- Business Process Modeling Skills (16%)
- Process Quality, Governance, and Metrics Frameworks (15%)
As you can see, about 40% of the questions of the exam are about BPMN.
How to prepare for BPMN Certification
There is an excellent study guide available that helps you prepare for the exam. In addition, you can use this BPMN Training to help you prepare for 40% of the exam. Afterwards you can practice the real OCEB2 exam using these two mock exams, containing 180 questions!