6 Tips To Study More Successful

In this article 6 study tips that are going to make you study better and faster. In fact, students often waste a lot of valuable time by using impractical and inefficient methods. These clever tips will allow you to store much more information in your memory in the same amount of time.

6 Tips To Study More Successful

6 Tips To Study More Successful

Here are six tips and tricks that will help you to use your time as efficient as possible. 

1. Stop highlighting and underlining

It won’t work anyway. One of the most compelling conclusions from the Psychological Science Association, which studies 10 commonly used learning techniques, is that the learning methods we use most often are the least effective. This research shows that underlining or highlighting important passages is not very effective when we want to remember information. In fact, it seems that some people perform worse because of distracting highlighting.

2. Read everything only once

Rereading text multiple times is perhaps the most insidious learning technique available. Students think it works, but nothing could be further from the truth. When you read something for the first time, you get a lot of information. But when you start reading for the second time, you read with the feeling of ‘I know this, I know this’ ‘. This makes you feel like you’ve mastered material, but that’s usually not the case at all. What does help is to immediately apply active reading strategies during the first reading.

3. Study tip: think up continuous questions yourself

By thinking up questions about the material immediately while reading, your brain is activated to process the material. Even if you don’t know the answer to a question right away, it helps to process the material. By using this study tip you will actively look for information in the text you are reading, to answer your question. In this way you remember the material better, because you have not only read it passively, but actively processed it.

4. Restructure information

Trying to remember something is not good enough. You won’t remember much by just flipping through your old notes or reading them again. You can only do this by organizing the information. In other words, you have to rearrange your notes somehow, do something new with them. This can be done in several ways.  For example, you can mentally rearrange the material you have read. You can also make concept maps for each topic, noting the most important definitions. But also a mind map or other visualization technique can help to store the information in an effective way. 

Study tip 5: Spread studying over time

For students with procrastination issues, this is probably the hardest part, but to stimulate long-term memory, it is better to study the subject at different times of the year. Prior to exams, you should carefully repeat the subject and have the impression that it is already in your memory. Those who study very little in a year will also benefit from long breaks and long pauses during their studies. The key is to avoid the marathon block session, because that’s what you remember the least. Study after study shows that the best study tip is distribution.

6 Tips To Study More Successful

6 tips to study more successful

6: Rest well!

During a busy study period, nothing is more tempting than pulling an all-nighter. However, this is not a good idea. When you are not properly rested, your long-term vision memory does not work properly. Resting is essential for memory and the collection and retention of knowledge gained. So the most important study tip is: rest well!

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